The Bridge [Hardcover] by Zoran Zivkovic

Product code: LEGACY

A COLLECTION by Zoran Zivkovic
CATEGORY Surreal . Speculative fiction
COVER ART Luis Rodrigues


What is the link between red hair, a red bowling ball and a red bikini? Between an overcoat with asymmetrical lapels, a scarf with two blotches and a pair of non-matching sneakers? In this brainteasing trio of stories, Zoran Zivkovic explores the collision of realities: a man encounters an alternate self, a woman out on a shopping trip runs into her dead neighbour and a fourteen-year-old girl chases her seventeen-year-old future son across town. Through absurd predicament, surreal situations and hot pursuit, Zivkovic addresses deep and ultimately poignant questions of fate and chance, the vagaries of human character and the hidden potential which lies within us all.

Brand PS Publishing
Condition New
Product Code LEGACY
Weight 0.3kg